I'm almost coming to an end with the Greek week on Stoner Mountain, which actually has been almost two weeks since I started it. Here are the last few bands. Lets start with Mother Desert, an instrumental psychedelic/stoner rock group from Nea Peramos.
They released their debut album Sand Hills January 12 and it's full of warm psychedelic jams. The sound is raw, gentle, hard, soft, warm, all within the same album. The music on it's own is enough to make you smile, but stop and think about this for a moment. Imagine your listening to this album, while you're sitting on your porch with a cold beer in your hand, enjoying the perfect weather in your free time.
Without a doubt, here we have a very good album that should be in your hands in case you are interested in hearing some solid instrumental desert rock. Of course, it has some flaws, but who cares. You can almost feel the sand in your shoes and the sunshine beating down onto your face.
Sorry for the graphomaniacal review. I wanted to try something different ;)